Теория экономических механизмов
: Литература по курсу
Опубликован: 05.08.2011 | Доступ: платный | Студентов: 3 / 1 | Оценка: 4.50 / 3.50 | Длительность: 18:52:00
ISBN: 978-5-9963-0014-3
Темы: Математика, Экономика
- 1.Truthful auctions for pricing search keywordsProceedings of the 7 ACM conference on Electronic Commerce. 2006. P. 1-7
- 2.Foundations of Rational Choice Under RiskOxford University Press, 1993
- 3.Social Choice and Individual ValuesNew York: Wiley, 1963
- 4.Aspects of the Theory of Risk-BearingHelsinki, Yrj Jahnssonin S a atio, 1965
- 5.The Property Rights Doctrine and Demand Revelation under Incomplete InformationEconomies and Human Welfare, Ed. by M. Boskin. Academic Press, New York, 1979
- 6.The Winner's Curse, Reserve Prices, and Endogenous Entry: Empirical Insights from eBay AuctionsThe Rand Journal of Economics. 2003. Vol. 34, N. 2. P. 329-355
- 7.Pivotal Voters. A New Proof of Arrow's TheoremEconomic Letters. 1980. Vol. 6. P. 13-16
- 8.On the competitiveness of on-line real-time task schedulingReal-Time Systems. 1992. Vol. 4, N. 2. P. 125-144
- 9.Info-Gap Decision Theory: Decisions Under Severe UncertaintyAcademic Press, London, 2006.
- 10.A GeneralizedWar of AttritionJournal of Theoretical Biology. 1974. Vol. 70. P. 85-124
- 11.The War of Attrition with Random RewardsJournal of Theoretical Biology. 1978. Vol. 74. P. 377-389
- 12.Fixed Point Theorems with Applications to Economics and Game TheoryCambridge University Press, 1989
- 13.Multipart Pricing of Public GoodsPublic Choice. 1971. Vol. 11, N. 1. P. 17-33
- 14.Recherches sur les principes mathematiques de la theorie des richessesParis, 1838
- 15.The Implementation of Social Choice Rules: Some Results on Incentive CompatibilityReview of Economic Studies. 1979. Vol. 46. P. 185-216
- 16.Incentives and Incomplete InformationJournal of Public Economics. 1979. Vol. 11. P. 25-45
- 17.Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second-Price Auction: Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of KeywordsAmerican Economic Review. 2007. Vol. 97, N. 1. P. 242-259
- 18.Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage AxiomsQuarterly Journal of Economics. 1961. Vol. 75. P. 643-669
- 19.The Genetical Theory of Natural SelectionOxford: Clarendon Press, 1930
- 20.Game TheoryMIT Press, 1991
- 21.Three Brief Proofs of Arrow's Impossibility TheoremEconomic Theory. 2005. Vol. 26, N. 1. P. 211-215
- 22.Manipulation of Voting Schemes: a General ResultEconometrica. 1973. Vol. 41. P. 587-601
- 23.A Primer in Game TheoryHarvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.
- 24.Incentives in TeamsEconometrica. 1973. Vol. 41, N. 6. P. 617-631
- 25.Resource Allocation under Asymmetric InformationEconometrica. 1981. Vol. 49. P. 1477-1499
- 26.Characterization of Ex-Post Equilibrium in the VCG Combinatorial AuctionsGames and Economic Behavior. 2004. Vol. 47. P. 87-103
- 27.Reputation in Auctions: Theory, and Evidence from eBayJournal of Economics and Management Strategy. 2006.Vol. 15, N. 2. P. 353-369
- 28.Optimality and Informational Eciency in Resource Allocation Processes. Mathematical Methods in the Social SciencesStanford University Press, 1960. P. 27-46
- 29.The design of mechanisms for resource allocationAmerican Economic Review. 1973. Vol. 63, N. 2. P. 1-30
- 30.Designing economic mechanismsCambridge University Press, 2006
- 31.A generalization of Brouwer's xed point theoremDuke Mathematical Journal. 1941. Vol. 8, N. 3. P. 457-459
- 32.A Treatise on ProbabilityMacmillan, London, 1921
- 33.How (Not) to Run Auctions: The European 3G Telecom AuctionsEuropean Economic Review. 2002. Vol. 46, N. 4-5. P. 829-845
- 34.Auctions: Theory and PracticePrinceton University Press, 2004
- 35.Auction TheoryAcademic Press, Elsevier, 2002
- 36.An Analysis of the War of Attrition and the All-Pay AuctionJournal of Economic Theory. 1997. Vol. 72, N. 2. P. 343-362
- 37.Ecient Mechanism Design: Tech. repEconWPA, 1997
- 38.A Dierentiable Approach to Expected Utility Maximizing MechanismsAggregation and Revelation of Preferences / Ed. by J.-J. Laont, E. Maskin. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1979
- 39.Optimal reservation price in the Vickerey auctionEconomics Letters. 1980. Vol. 6, N. 4. P. 309-313
- 40.Two Simplied Proofs for Roberts'Theorem. 2004
- 41.An Incentive th Mechanism for P2P NetworksProceedings of the 24 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'04). 2004. P. 516-523
- 42.Bayesian and Weakly Robust First-Best Mechanisms: CharacterizationJournal of Economic Theory. 1994. Vol. 64. P. 500-519
- 43.Optimal Auctions with Risk Averse BuyersEconometrica. 1984. Vol. 52. P. 1473-1518
- 44.Optimal multi-unit auctionsThe Economics of Missing Markets, Information, and Games / Ed. by F. Hahn. Clarendon Press, 1989. P. 312-335
- 45.Theory of Games and the Evolution of Animal ContestsJournal of Theoretical Biology. 1974. Vol. 47. P. 209-221
- 46.Evolution and the Theory of GamesCambridge University Press, 1982
- 47.The Logic of Asymmetric ContestsAnimal Behaviour. 1976. Vol. 24. P. 159-175
- 48.Auctions and BiddingJournal of Economic Literature (American Economic Association). 1987. Vol. 25, N. 2. P. 699-738
- 49.Correlated Information and Mechanism DesignEconometrica. 1992. Vol. 60. P. 395-421
- 50.AdWords and generalized online matchingJournal of the ACM. 2007. Vol. 54, N. 5. P. 22
- 51.Spectrum Auctions and Ecient Resource Allocation: Learning from the 3G Experience in EuropeThe Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications. 2001. Vol. 3, N. 1. P. 5-10
- 52.Ex-post implementation with interdependent valuationsDiscussion paper, University of Bonn. 2002
- 53.A Theory of Auctions and Competitive BiddingEconometrica. 1982. Vol. 50. P. 1089-1122
- 54.Incentive-compatibility and the Bargaining ProblemEconometrica. 1979. Vol. 47. P. 61-73
- 55.Optimal Auction DesignMathematics of Operation Research. 1981. Vol. 6. P. 58-73
- 56.Optimal Coordination Mechanisms in Generalized Principal-Agent ProblemsJournal of Mathematical Economics. 1982. Vol. 10. P. 67-81
- 57.Bayesian Equilibrium and Incentive Compatibility: an IntroductionSocial Goals and Social Organization / Ed. by L. Hurwicz, D. Schmeidler, H. Sonnenschein. Cambridge University Press, 1985
- 58.Multistage Games with CommunicationEconometrica. 1986. Vol. 54. P. 323-358
- 59.Ecient Mechanisms for Bilateral TradingJournal of Economic Theory. 1983. Vol. 29. P. 265-281
- 60.Equilibrium points in n-person gameProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1950. Vol. 36, N. 1. P. 48-49
- 61.Zur Theorie der GesellschaftspieleMathematische Annalen. 1928. Vol. 100, N. 1. P. 295-320
- 62.Theory of Games and Economic BehaviorPrinceton University Press, 1944
- 63.Computationally Feasible VCG MechanismsJournal of Articial Intelligence Research. 2007. Vol. 29. P. 19-47
- 64.An Introduction to Game TheoryOxford University Press, USA, 2003
- 65.A course in game theoryMIT Press, 1994
- 66.Mechanism design for online real-time schedulingProth ceedings of the 5 ACM conference on Electronic Commerce. 2004. P. 61-70
- 67.Risk Aversion in the Small and in the LargeEconometrica. 1964. Vol. 32. P. 122-136
- 68.Arrow's Theorem and the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem: a Unied ApproachEconomics Letters. 2001. Vol. 70, N. 1. P. 99-105
- 69.Optimal AuctionsAmerican Economic Review. 1981. Vol. 71. P. 381-392
- 70.The Colonel Blotto GameEconomic Theory. 2006. Vol. 29. P. 1-26
- 71.The Characterization of Implementable Choice RulesAggregation and Revelation of Preferences. Papers presented at the 1 European Summer Workshop of the Econometric Society / Ed. by J.-J
- 72.A necessary and sucient condition for rationalizability in a quasi-linear contextJournal of Mathematical Economics. 1987. Vol. 16. P. 191-200
- 73.Dominant strategy implementation with quasi-linear preferencesM. Sc. thesis, Dept. of Economics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 1999
- 74.Strategy-proofness and Arrow's Conditions: Existence and Correspondence Theorems for Voting Procedures and Social Welfare FunctionsJournal of Economic Theory. 1975. Vol. 10. P. 187-217
- 76.Counterspeculation, Auctions, and Competitive Sealed TendersJournal of Finance. 1961. Vol. 16, N. 1. P. 8-37
- 77.Auctions and Bidding GamesRecent Advances in Game Theory. Vol. 29 of Princeton Conference Series. Princeton University Press, 1962. P. 15-27
- 78.A characterization of ecient, bayesian incentive compatible mechanismsEconomic Theory. 1999. Vol. 14, N. 1. P. 155-180
- 79.Теория игрМ., Высшая школа, Книжный дом 'Университет', 1998