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ДОУ 3Р1, 3Р2 (личная):
Разработка телетрафика и планирование сетей
: Литература по курсу- 1.Limits and approximations for the M/G/1LIFO waiting time distribution.Operations Research Letters, Vol. 20(1997) : 5, 199-206.
- 2.Use of minicomputer for telephone traffic measurements.Teleteknik (Engl, ed.) Vol. 15 (1971): 2, 33-46.
- 3.Dynamic routing in telecommunications networksMcGraw-Hill 1998.746 pp.
- 4.Open, closed and mixed networks of queues with different classes of customersJournal of the ACM, April 1975, pp. 248-260. (BCMP queuing networks).
- 5.Principles of telecommunication traffic engineering.Revised 3rd Edition. Peter Peregrinus Ltd, Stevenage 1988. 250 pp.
- 6.A method of computing the loss in alternative trunking and grading systems.The Copenhagen Telephone Company, May 1955. 14 pp. Translated from Danish: Metode til beregning af spaerring i alternativ trunking- og graderingssystemer. Teleteknik, Vol. 5 (1954): 4, pp. 435-448.
- 7.Telephone circuit holding time distributions.ITC 14, 14th International Teletraffic Congress. Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 6-10. 1994. Proceedings pp. 125-134. Elsevier 1994.
- 8.Bie Berechnung von Leitungsgruppen fur uberflie enden Verkehr.Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift, NTZ, Vol. 9 (1956):11,533-540.
- 9.Extension of the equivalent random method to smooth traffics ITC{7, Seventh International Teletra с Congress, Stockholm, June 1973.Proceedings, paper 411. 9 pp.
- 10.The simple overflow problem in the theory of telephone traffic.Teleteknik 1954, pp. 361{374. In Danish. English translation by Copenhagen Telephone Company, April 1955. 15 pp.
- 11.The life and works of A.K.Erlang.Transactions of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, 1948, No. 2, 277 pp. Copenhagen 1948.
- 12.The output of a queuing system.Operations Research, Vol. 4(1956), 699-704.
- 13.The number of selectors in automatic telephone systems.The Post Office Electrical Engineers Journal, Vol. 7 (1914), 271{281.
- 14.Priority assignment in waiting line problems.Operations Research, Vol. 2 (1954), 70-76.
- 15.Queuing networks { exact computational algorithms: A unified theory based on decomposition and aggregation.The MIT Press 1989. 234 pp.
- 16.Introduction to queuing theory.New York 1972. 277 pp.
- 17.A use of complex probabilities in the theory of stochastic processes. Proc.Camb. Phil. Soc, Vol. 51 (1955), pp. 313{319.
- 18.The theory of stochastic processes.Methuen & Co. London 1965. 398 pp.
- 19.Point processes.Chapman and Hall. 1980. 188 pp.
- 20.Delay probability formulae when the holding times are constant.Post Office Electrical Engineers Journal, Vol. 25 (1932), pp. 41{50.
- 21.Delay probability formulae.Post Office Electrical Engineers Journal, Vol. 26 (1934), pp. 266-274.
- 22.On the steady{state distribution in a service facility carrying mixtures of traffic with different peaked ness factor and capacity requirements.IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM{31 (1983): 11, 1209-1211.
- 23.Spaerringsberegninger i telenet (Blocking calculations in telecommunication networks, in Danish).Master's thesis. Institut for Telekommunikation, Danmarks Tekniske HJskole, 1993. 141 pp.
- 24.A simpler proof of L = XW.Operations Research, Vol. 17 (1969), pp. 915-917.
- 25.Elementary telephone traffic theory.Chapter 4. L.M.Ericsson AB, Stockholm 1964. 46 pp.
- 26.Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung zur Bestimmung der Wahlerzahl in automatischen Fernsprechamtern.Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, 1918, Heft 31. Translated to English in Telektronikk (Norwegian), June 1991, 4pp.
- 27.An introduction to probability theory and its applications.Vol. 1, New York 1950. 461 pp.
- 28.Congestion in a loss system when some calls want several devices simultaneously.Electrical Communications, Vol. 39 (1964): 4, 513{526). Paper presented at ITC{4, Fourth International Teletraffic Congress, London. England, 15{21 July 1964.
- 29.Congestion in blocking systems { a simple approximation technique.The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 59 (1980): 6, 805-827
- 30.Probability and its engineering uses.New York 1928, 470 pp.
- 31.Closed queuing systems with exponential servers.Operations Research, Vol. 15 (1967), pp. 254-265.
- 32.Teletraffic engineering for mobile personal communications in ITU{T work: the need to match theory to practice IEEE Personal Communications,Vol. 5 (1998): 6, 38{58
- 33.The reliability of telephone traffic load measurements by switch counts.The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 31 (1952): 2, 357{377
- 34.Traffic intensity unit. ITU{T Recommendation B.18. 1993. 1 p.
- 35.Analysis of real teletraffic processes based on computerized measurements.Ericsson Technics, No. 1, 1973, pp. 1{64. \ Holb к measurements".
- 36.On the accuracy in measurements of time intervals and traffic intensities with application to teletraffic and simulation.Ph.D.{thesis. IMSOR, Technical University of Denmark 1976. 202 pp.
- 37.On general point processes in teletra с theory with applications to measurements and simulation.ITC-8, Eighth International Teletra с Congress, paper 312/1{8. Melbourne 1976. Published in Teleteknik (Engl, ed.) 1977 : 2, pp. 59{70.
- 38.The A{formula. Teleteknik (English ed.),Vol. 23 (1980): 2, 64{79.
- 39.Exact calculation of waiting time distributions in queuing systems with constant holding times.NTS-4, Fourth Nordic Teletraffic Seminar, Helsinki 1982. 31 pp.
- 40.The exact evaluation of multi{service loss system with access control. Teleteknik, English ed.Vol 31 (1987): 2, 56{61. NTS{7, Seventh Nordic Teletraffic Seminar, Lund, Sweden, August 25{27, 1987, 22 pp.
- 41.Some properties of Coxian distributions with applications.Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Performance Analysis, pp. 61{66. 5{7 June, 1985, Valbonne, France. North-Holland Publ. Co. 1985. 365 pp. (Editor N. Abu El Ata).
- 42.The usage of convolution algorithm with truncation for estimation of individual blocking probabilities in circuit-switched telecommunication networks.Proceedings of the 15th International Teletra с Congress, ITC 15, Washington, DC, USA, 22{27 June 1997. 1327{1336.
- 43.Engset formul with continuous parameters - theory and applications. AEU,International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 55 (2001): 1, 3-9.
- 44.Algorithm for evaluating multi-rate loss systems.COM Department, Technical University of Denmark. December 2005. 27 pp. Submitted for publication.
- 45.Queueing systems with phase type service.Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 5 (1954), 109-120.
- 46.Moe's Principle { An econometric investigation intended as an aid in dimensioning and managing telephone plant.Theory and Tables. Copenhagen 1950. 165 pp.
- 47.Operations measurement for engineering support of high-speed networks with self-similar traffic.ITC 16, 16th International Teletra с Congress, Edinburgh, June 7{11, 1999. Proceedings pp. 895{906. Elsevier 1999.
- 48.The broadband multiplexer, \TransMux 1001".Teleteknik, English ed., Vol. 34 (1991): 1, 57{65.
- 49.Variations of the Erlang, Engset and Jacobeus formula.ITC{5, Fifth International Teletraffic Congress, New York, USA, 1967, pp. 107{111. Also published in: Teleteknik, (English edition), Vol. 11 (1967): 1 ,42{48.
- 50.Engsets formler for sannsynlighetstetthet og dens rekursionsformler. (Engset's formul for probability and its recursive formula, in Norwegian).Telektronikk 1968 No 1{2, pp. 54{63.
- 51.Comments on the Engset and Erlang formulae for telephone trafficlosses. Thesis.Report TF No. 25/71, Research Establishment, The Norwegian Telecommunications Administration. 1971. 127 pp.
- 52.Tekniska anordninger for samtalsdebitering enligt tid (Technical arrangement for charging calls according to time, In Swedish).Helsingfors Telefonforening, Tekniska Meddelanden 1937, No. 2, pp. 32{48.
- 53.Blocking in a shared resource environment.IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM{29 (1981) : 10, 1474{1481.
- 54.The ergodic queue length distribution for queuing systems with finite capacity.Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Vol. 28 (1966), 190-201.
- 55.Reversibility and stochastic networks.John Wiley & Sons, 1979. 230 pp.
- 56.Some problems in the theory of queues.Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Vol. 13 (1951): 2, 151-173.
- 57.Stochastic processes occurring in the theory of queues and their analysis by the method of the imbedded Markov chain.Ann. Math. Stat., Vol. 24 (1953), 338-354.
- 58.Mathematical methods in the theory of queuing.London 1960.124 pp. (Original in Russian, 1955).
- 59.Markov population processesJ. Appl. Prob., Vol. 6(1969), 1-18.
- 60.Communication nets: Stochastic message flow and delay.McGraw{Hill 1964. Reprinted by Dover Publications 1972. 209 pp.
- 61.Queuing systems.Vol. I: Theory. New York 1975. 417 pp.
- 62.Queuing systems.Vol. II: Computer applications. New York 1976. 549 pp.
- 63.Uber Sperrungswahrscheinlichkeitenbei Staffelschaltungen.Elet.Nachr.. Techn., Vol. 14 (1937) 5{12.
- 64.Telefoonverkehrsrekening.De Ingenieur, Vol. 52 (1937): E15{E25.
- 65.The interrupted Poisson process as an overflow process.The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 52 (1973): 3, pp. 437{448.
- 66.A method of moments for the analysis of a switched communication network's performance.IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. Com{25 (1977): 2, 185{193.
- 67.Meanfvalue analysis of closed multichain queuing networks.Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 27 (1980): 2, 313-322.
- 68.Studies on the probability of a called subscriber being busy.ITC-8, Eighth International Teletraffic Congress, Melbourne, November 1976. Paper 631. 8 pp.
- 69.ATMOS: a PC-based tool for evaluating multi{service telephone systems. IMSOR,Technical University of Denmark 1989, 75 pp. (In Danish).
- 70.A proof for the queueing formula L = _W.Operations Research, Vol. 9 (1961): 383{387.
- 71.VSAT networks.John Wiley & Sons, 1995. 282 pp.
- 72.An approximate formula for waiting time in single server queues AIIE Transactions,December 1976, 473{474.
- 73.Mattnoggrannhet vid bestamning af traffikmangd enligt genomsokningsforfarandet (Accuracy of measurements in determining traffic volumes by the scanning method).Tekn. Medd. K. Telegr. Styr., 1941, No. 7{9, pp. 97-115.
- 74.Intensitatsschwankungen im Fernsprechverkehr.Ericsson Technics, No.44, 1943, 189 pp. English translation by Chr. Jacob us: Intensity Variations in Telephone Traffic. North-Holland Publ. Co. 1987.
- 75.The assignment of workers in servicing automatic machines.Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 9 (1958) : 28{42. First published in Swedish in 1947.
- 76.Table of the Erlang loss formula.Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson, Stockholm 1947. 23 pp.
- 77.Some propositions regarding flat and steep distribution functions, pp.3-17 in TELE (English edition), No. 1, 1957.
- 78.(Inverse Multiplexing of ATM) IMA {technical foundations, application and performance analysis.Computer Networks, Vol. 35 (2001) 165{183.
- 79.Numerical recipes in C, the art of scienti с computing.2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, 1995. 994 pp.
- 80.Variations of telephone tra с Electrical Communications,Vol. 26 (1949) 243{248.
- 81.Planning of junction network in a multi{ exchange area.Ericsson Technics 1965, No. 2, pp. 187-240.
- 82.Derivation of moments of overflow traffic.Appendix 1 (pp. 507{514) in (Wilkinson, 1956 [102]).
- 83.A service system with heterogeneous user requirements { applications to multi-service telecommunication systems.Performance of data communicationsystems and their applications. G. Pujolle (editor), North{Holland Publ. Co. 1981, pp.423- 431.
- 84.Traffic theory and the Internet.IEEE Communications Magazine Vol. 39 (2001): 1, 94-99.
- 85.Teletraffic engineering for product{form circuit-switched networks.Adv. Appl. Prob., Vol. 22 (1990) 657{675.
- 86.Algorithms to determine exact blocking probabilities for multirate tree networks.IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 38 (1990): 8, 1266-1271.
- 87.Traffic loss of a circuit group consisting of both{way circuits which is accessible for the internal and external tra с of a subscriber group.TELE (Englishedition), 1959 : 2, 79-92.
- 88.Simple approximate techniques for congestion functions for smooth and peaked traffic.ITC{10, Tenth International Teletraffic Congress, Montreal, June 1983. Paper4.4b{l. 7 pp.
- 89.Optimization of numerical estimation of characteristics of multiflow models with repeated calls.Problems of Information Transmission, Vol. 25 (1989): 2,67{78.
- 90.The application of reversible Markov population processes to teletraffic.A.T.R. Vol. 13 (1980): 2, 3{8.
- 91.Techguide (The Technologu Guide Series), 2001, 46 pp.
- 92.Extension de la formule d'Erlang au cas ou le traffic est fonction du nombre d'abonnes occupes.Annales de Telecommunications, Vol. 4 (1949) 319-324.
- 93.Proposed Grade of Service chapter for handbook.ITU{T Study Group 2, WP 3/2. September 2001. 5 pp.
- 94.Overview of ITU Recommendations on traffic engineering.ITU-T Study Group 2, COM 2-KS 48/2-E. May 2002. 21 pp.
- 95.A distribution model for telephone traffic with varying callintensity, including overflow traffic.Ericsson Technics, 1964, No. 2, pp. 183{202.
- 96.Congestion studies in telephone systems with overflow facilities.Ericsson Technics, No. 3, 1966, pp. 187(351.
- 97.Theories for toll traffic engineering in the U.S.A.The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 35 (1956) 421-514.
- 98.Лекции по математической теории телетрафикаУчебное пособие М. Изд-во РУДН, 2004, 186 с.
- 99.Терминалы и основные технологии обмена информацией.: Учебное пособие/М.:Интернет-Университет Информационных технологий; БИНОМ, Лаборатория знаний, 2007,511с.
- 100.Телекоммуникационные сети и устройства.:Учебное пособие/М.: Интернет-Университет Информационных технологий; БИНОМ, Лаборатория знаний, 2008, 319 с.
- 101.Сотовые системы связи.: Учебное пособие/М.:Интернет-Университет Информационных технологий; БИНОМ, Лаборатория знаний, 2009, 360 с.
- 102.Проектирование и техническая эксплуатация сетей передачи дискретных сообщений.Под ред. Т.П. Захарова. М.,:М. Радио и связь, 1983, -60 с.
- 103.Теория массового обслуживания.Пер. с англ./Пер. И.И.Грушко, ред. В.И. Нейман. М.: Машиностроение. 1979.432 с.
- 104.Теория телефонных и телеграфных сообщений.М.: Наука,1979. стр.208.
- 105.Теория телетрафикаЛившиц Б. С, Пшеничников А. П., Харкевич А. Д. Учебник для вузов. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Связь, 1979,224 с, ил.
- 106.Основы телетрафика мультисервисных сетей.М. Эко Трендз. 2010, 392 стр.
- 107.Способы уменьшения объема вычислений при расчете моделей систем связи с потерями, основанные на игнорировании маловероятных состояний.Проблемы передачи информации. Том 37.— 2001. Вып. 3, стр. 82-96.
- 108.Работы по математической теории массового обслуживания.Под ред. Б.В. Гнеденко. М.: ИФМЛД963. 221 стр.