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Алгоритмы и протоколы каналов и сетей передачи данных
: Литература по курсу
Московский физико-технический институт
Опубликован: 07.08.2007 | Доступ: платный | Студентов: 115 / 22 | Оценка: 4.28 / 3.93 | Длительность: 45:30:00
ISBN: 978-5-94774-706-5
- 1.A universal algorithm for sequential data compressionIEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol. IT-23, № 3, May 1977, pp. 337-343
- 2.Compression of individual sequences via variable rate codingIEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol. IT-24. № 5, September 1978, pp. 530-535
- 3.A block-sorting Lossless Data Compression AlgorithmDigital Systems Research Center. SRC report 124. May 10, 1994
- 4.A locally adaptive data compression algorithmCommunications of the ACM, Vol. 29, № 4, April 1986, pp. 320-330
- 6.Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and StoragePrentice-hall 1995
- 7.Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and ApplicationsPrentice-hall 1983
- 8.Error Correction Coding for Digital CommunicationsPlenum 1988
- 9.Digital Modulation and CodingPrentice-hall 1996
- 12.
- 20.
- 22.The Aerospace Corporation (Volume 3, № 1 (Winter 2001/2002))
- 23.Multiple Description Source Coding using Forward Error Correction CodesUniversity of California, Berkeley (rpuri, kannan@eecs.berkeley.edu)
- 30.Компьютерные сетиПитер, 2003, стр. 361-370
- 31.
- 32.
- 33.
- 34.Requirements and architectures for broadband fixed radio access networks (HIPERACCESS)ETSI TR101 177 V1.1.1, .Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN)
- 35.Rules for Coexistence of P-P and P-MP systems using different access methods in the same frequency bandETSI TR101 853 V1.1.1 (2000-10)
- 36.Radio frequency channel arrangements for fixed services in the range 22.0 GHz to 29.5 GHzITU-R Recommendation F.746-1
- 37.Considerations in the development of criteria for sharing between the terrestrial fixed service and other servicesITU-R Recommendation F.758-2
- 38.Bandwidths and unwanted emissions of digital radio relay systemsITU-R Recommendation F.1191
- 39.Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power of transmitting stations in the fixed service operating in the frequency band GHz shared with the intersatellite serviceITU-R Recommendation F.1249-1
- 40.Vocabulary of terms for wireless accessITU-R Recommendation F.1399
- 41.Prediction procedure for the evaluation of microwave interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.7 GHzITU-R Recommendation P.452
- 42.Attenuation by atmospheric gasesITU-R Recommendation P.676-4
- 43.Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methodsITU-R Recommendation P.838
- 44.Attenuation due to clouds and fogITU-R Recommendation P.840-3
- 45.Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial broadband millimetric radio access systemsITU-R Recommendation P.1410
- 46.Point-to-Multipoint digital radio systems bands in the range 3 GHz to 11 GHzETSI EN 301021 v1.4.1 (2001/03) Fixed Radio Systems; Point-tomultipoint equipment; Time division Multiple access (TDMA)
- 47.Frequency Domain Equalization for 2.11 GHz Fixed Broadband Wireless systemsTutorial, presented during Session #11 of IEEE 802.16 in Ottawa, Canada, Jan. 22, 2001
- 48.Fast Algorithm for Time Domain Broad Band Adaptive Array ProcessingIEEE Trans. Aerops. Electr. Syst., AES-18, 682, Sept. 1982
- 49.A Simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Wireless CommunicationsIEEE Journal on Select Areas in Communications, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1451.1458, Oct. 1998
- 50.A pragmatic approach to trellis-coded modulationIEEE Communications Magazine, July 1989, pp. 11.19
- 51.P2 codes: Pragmatic trellis codes utilizing punctured convolutional codesIEEE Communications Magazine, February 1995, pp. 94.99
- 58.Smart Antenna for Wireless CommunicationsPrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1999
- 60.USA ITU-R WP7C/24, 8A-9B/3 (2000-2003)
- 62.P2P. Файлообменные сети: принципы работыномер 11 стр. 62. ISSN 1605-5055, 2006, № 2006. Курс Алгоритмы и протоколы каналов и сетей передачи данных 434
- 63.Analysis of the evolution of peertopeer systemsCommunications of the cm February 2003/Vol. 46, № 2
- 65.Looking up DATA in P2P systemsIn Proc. Acm SIGCOMM’01, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2001
- 67.Consistent hashing and random trees: Distributed caching protocols for relieving hot spots on the World Wide WebIn Proc. 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (El Paso, TX, May 1997), pp. 654-663
- 68.Distributed Object Location in a Dynamic NetworkIn Proceedings of 14th ACM Symp. on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), August 2002
- 69.Kent State University, Date: April 2006
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- 81.Promoting the Use of End.to.End Congestion Control in the InternetIEEE/ACM Transactions on Internetworking, V. 7, № 4. August 1999
- 82.The IEEE 802.17 Media Access Protocol for High-Speed Metropolitan-Area Resilient Packet RingsIEEE Network, May/June 2004
- 83.Design, Analysis, and Implementation of DVSR: A High-Performance Protocol for Packet RingsIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, V. 12, N 1, February 2004
- 84.Вестник связи, № 2, 2004
- 86.Теория вероятностей. Основные понятия, предельные теоремы, случайные процессыНаука, Глав. Ред. Физмат литературы, М. 1967, серия “Справочная математическая библиотека”
- 87.Guide to Network ResourceTools EARN Association, Sept. 15, 1993, V2.0. (ISBN 2- 910286-03-7)
- 88.Packets and ProtocolsSpider Systems, Stanwell Street, Ltd. Edinburgh, UK. EH6 5NG, 1990
- 89.Handbook of LAN Technology2-nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992
- 90.Анализатор локальных сетей NetWare (Руководство Novell)Москва, Изд. “ЛОРИ”, 1995
- 91.Локальные сети персональных компьютеров. Использование протоколов IPX, SPX, NETBIOSМосква, “Диалог-МИФИ”, 1993
- 92.Программирование для INTERNET в среде WindowsСанкт-Петербург, “ПИТЕР”, 1996
- 93.ISDN How to get a high-speed connection to the Internet“John Wiley @ Sons, Inc.”
- 94.ISDN Explained, Worldwide Network and Applications Technology, 2 editionJohn Wiley & sons
- 95.ISDN. Цифровая сеть с интеграцией служб. Понятия, методы, системыМосква, Радио и связь, 1991
- 96.Модем 96. Выбор, настройка и использованиеМосква, ABF, 1995
- 97.Справочник “Протоколы информационно-вычислительных сетей”Радио и связь, Москва 1990
- 98.Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision detection Access Method and Physical Layer SpecificationPublished by IEEE 802.3-1985. WileyInterscience, John & Sons, Inc
- 99.Модемы и факс-модемы. Программирование для MS-DOS и WindowsМосква, “Диалог-МИФИ”, 1995
- 100.“Протоколы и ресурсы INTERNET”Радио и связь”, Москва, 1996
- 101.“Сети Интернет. Архитектура и протоколы”СИРИНЪ, 1998
- 102.“ATM-технология высокоскоростных сетей”ЭКО-ТРЕНДЗ, Москва 1998. 631
- 103.“Синхронные цифровые сети SDH”ЭКО-ТРЕНДЗ, Москва 1998
- 104.Fast Ethernetbhv, Киев, 1998
- 105.Оптические системы связи. Москва“Радио и связь”, 1989
- 106.Fundamentals of Telecommunication NetworksJohn Wiley & Sons, 1996
- 107.Работы по теории информации и кибернетикеМосква,”Изд. иностранной литературы”, 1963
- 108.Сети Петри”Наука”, Москва, Глав. ред. физ-мат. лит., 1984
- 109.Frame Relay межсетевые взаимодействияМосква, “Горячая линия — Телеком”, 2000
- 110.Протоколы Интернет. ЭнциклопедияМосква, “Горячая линия — Телеком”, 2001
- 111.Протоколы Интернет для электронной торговлиМосква, “Горячая линия — Телеком”, 2003
- 112.Введение в сетевые технологииМосква, “Лори”, 2002
- 113.Компьютерные сети, 4-е изданиеСанкт-Петербург, Москва, “Питер”, 2003