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Системное администрирование
:Процедуры, диагностики и безопасность в Интернет
: Литература по курсу
Опубликован: 10.10.2007 | Уровень: специалист | Доступ: платный
- 1.Multimedia Applications Development with the Andrew ToolkitPrenticeHall, 1990
- 2.International Standard — Information Processing — Character Code Structure and Extension TechniquesISO/IEC 2022:1994, 4th ed
- 3.International Standard — Information Processing — 8-bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets
- 4.International Standard — Information Technology — ISO 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information InterchangeISO 646:1991, 3rd ed
- 5.JPEG Draft Standard ISO 10918-1 CD
- 6.Video Coding Draft Standard ISO 11172 CDISO IEC/JTC1/SC2/WG11 (Motion Picture Experts Group), May, 1991
- 7.CCITT, Fascicle III.4 — Recommendation G.711, “Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) of Voice Frequencies”Geneva, 1972
- 8.PostScript Language Reference ManualAdobe Systems, Inc., Addison-Wesley, 1985
- 9.Adobe Systems, Inc., PostScript Language Reference ManualAddison-Wesley, Second Ed., 1990
- 10.“TFTP Protocol (revision 2)”, RFC-783MIT, June 1981
- 11.“Simple Mail Transfer Protocol”, STD-10, RFC-821USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1982
- 12.“Proposed Standard for Message Encapsulation”, RFC-934Delaware and NMA, January 1985
- 13.“File Transfer Protocol”, STD 9, RFC-959USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1985
- 14.“Content-Type Header Field for Internet Messages”, RFC-1049CMU, March 1988
- 15.“Encoding Header Field for Internet Messages”, RFC-1154Prime Computer, Inc., April 1990
- 16.“MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies”, RFC- 1341Bellcore, Innosoft, June 1992
- 17.“Representation of Non-Ascii Text in Internet Message Headers”, RFC-1342University of Tennessee, June 1992
- 18.“Implications of MIME for Internet Mail Gateways”, RFC-1344Bellcore, June 1992
- 19.“Character Mnemonics & Character Sets”, RFC-1345Rationel Almen Planlaegning, June 1992
- 20.“Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I — Message Encryption and Authentication Procedures”, RFC-1421IAB IRTF PSRG, IETF PEM WG, February 1993
- 21.“Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II — Certificate-Based Key Management”, RFC-1422IAB IRTF PSRG, IETF PEM WG, February 1993
- 22.“Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III — Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers”IAB IRTF PSRG, IETF PEM WG, February 1993
- 23.“Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV — Key Certification and Related Services”IAB IRTF PSRG, IETF PEM WG, February 1993
- 24.“MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies”, RFC-1521Bellcore, Innosoft, September, 1993
- 25.“Representation of Non-ASCII Text in Internet Message Headers”, RFC-1522University of Tennessee, September 1993
- 26.“A User Agent Configuration Mechanism for Multimedia Mail Format Information”, RFC-1524Bellcore, September 1993
- 27.“Instructions to RFC Authors”, RFC-1543USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1993
- 28.“Handling of Bi-directional Texts in MIME”, RFC-1556Israeli Inter-University Computer Center, December 1993
- 29.“Media Type Registration Procedure”, RFC-1590USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1994
- 30.“The Internet Standards Process — Revision 2”Internet Architecture Board, Internet Engineering Steering Group, March 1994
- 31.“SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIME transport”, RFC-1652United Nations University, Innosoft, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Network Management Associates, Inc., The Branch Office, March 1994
- 32.“Assigned Numbers”, STD-2, RFC-1700USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1994
- 33.“MIME Content Type for BinHex Encoded Files”December 1994
- 34.“The text/enriched MIME Content-type”, RFC-1896February, 1996
- 35.“Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies”, RFC-2045Innosoft, First Virtual Holdings, November 1996
- 36.“Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types”, RFC-2046Innosoft, First Virtual Holdings, November 1996
- 37.“Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Three: Representation of Non-ASCII Text in Internet Message Headers”, RFC-2047University of Tennessee, November 1996
- 38.“Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: MIME Registration Procedures”, RFC-2048Innosoft, MCI, ISI, November 1996
- 39.“Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five: Conformance Criteria and Examples”, RFC-2049Innosoft, First Virtual Holdings, November 1996
- 40.Coded Character Set — 7-Bit American Standard Code for Information InterchangeANSI X3.4-1986
- 41.“ACAP — Application Configuration Access Protocol”Work in Progress
- 42.“Assigned Numbers”, STD 2, RFC 1700USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1994
- 43.“Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header”, RFC 1806June 1995
- 44.“IMAP4 Authentication Mechanism”, RFC 1731Carnegie-Mellon University, December 1994
- 45.“IMAP4 Compatibility with IMAP2bis”, RFC 2061University of Washington, November 1996
- 46.“Synchronization Operations for Disconnected IMAP4 Clients”Work in Progress
- 47.“IMAP4 Compatibility with IMAP2 and IMAP2bis”, RFC 1732University of Washington, December 1994
- 48.“Distributed Electronic Mail Models in IMAP4”, RFC 1733University of Washington, December 1994
- 49.“Internet Message Access Protocol — Obsolete Syntax”, RFC 2062University of Washington, November 1996
- 50.“Interactive Mail Access Protocol — Version 2”, RFC 1176University of Washington, August 1990
- 51.“Tags for the Identification of Languages”, RFC 1766March 1995
- 52.“MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies”, RFC 2045November 1996
- 53.“MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Media Types”, RFC 2046November 1996
- 54.“MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text”, RFC 2047November 1996
- 55.“Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages”, STD 11, RFC 822University of Delaware, August 1982.
- 56.“Simple Mail Transfer Protocol”, STD 10, RFC 821USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1982
- 57.“UTF-7: A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode”, RFC 1642July 1994
- 58.“Automatic Text Analysis”Science, 168, 335-343 (1970)
- 59.“The automatic creation of literature abstracts”IBM Journal of Research and”Developeent, 2, 159-1650(1958)
- 60.Cornell University
- 61.Tande-Computers Inc
- 62.Objmct Design Inc
- 63.San Diego State University
- 64.AT&T’s new approach to the synchronization of telecommunication networksIEEE Communications Magazine (April 1989), 35-45
- 65.Statistics of time and frequency data analysisIn: Blair, B.E. (Ed.). Time and Frequency Theory and Fundamentals, National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974, 151-204
- 66.The National Bureau of Standards atomic time scale: generation, stability, accuracy and accessibilityIn: Blair, B.E. (Ed.). Time and Frequency Theory and Fundamentals, National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974, 205-231
- 67.Data NetworksPrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987
- 68.Time and frequency dissemination: an overview of principles and techniquesIn: Blair, B.E. (Ed.). Time and Frequency Theory and Fundamentals. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974, 233-314
- 69.Short term frequency effects in networks of coupled oscillatorsIEEE Trans. Communications COM-28, 8 (August 1980), 1269-1275
- 70.An experiment in clock synchronizationThe Computer Journal 31, 6 (1988), 496-502
- 71.DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-791, USC Information Sciences Institute, September 1981
- 72.DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-792, USC Information Sciences Institute, September 1981
- 73.Digital Time Service Functional Specification Version T.1.0.5Digital Equipment Corporation, 1989
- 74.Calendrical CalculationsSoftware Practice and Experience 20, 9 (September 1990), 899-928
- 75.History of LORAN-CNavigation 29, 1 (Spring 1982)
- 76.TEMPO — A network time controller for a distributed Berkeley UNIX systemIEEE Distributed Processing Technical Committee Newsletter 6, NoSI-2 (June 1984), 7-15. Also in: Proc. Summer USENIX Conference (June 1984, Salt Lake City)
- 77.The Berkeley UNIX 4.3BSD time synchronization protocol: protocol specificationTechnical Report UCB/CSD 85/250, University of California, Berkeley, June 1985
- 78.An election algorithm for a distributed clock synchronization programTechnical Report UCB/CSD 86/275, University of California, Berkeley, December 1985
- 79.Fault-tolerant clock synchronizationProc. Third Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (August 1984), 89-102
- 80.Reference Data for Engineers, Seventh EditionH.W. Sams & Co., New York, 1985
- 81.Clock synchronization in distributed real-time systemsIEEE Trans. Computers C-36, 8 (August 1987), 933-939
- 82.Time, clocks and the ordering of events in a distributed systemComm. ACM 21, 7 (July 1978), 558-565
- 83.Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faultsJ. ACM 32, 1 (January 1985), 52-78
- 84.Network synchronization of random signalsIEEE Trans. Communications COM-28, 8 (August 1980), 1260-1266
- 85.A new fault-tolerant algorithm for clock synchronizationProc. Third Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (August 1984), 75-88
- 86.Maintaining the time in a distributed systemACM Operating Systems Review 19, 3 (July 1985), 44-54
- 87.Time Synchronization in DCNET HostsDARPA Internet Project Report IEN-173, COMSAT Laboratories, February 1981
- 88.DCNET Internet Clock ServiceDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-778, COMSAT Laboratories, April 1981
- 89.Internet Delay ExperimentsDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-889, M/A-COM Linkabit, December 1983
- 90.DCN local-network protocolsDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-891, M/A-COM Linkabit, December 1983
- 91.Network Time Protocol (NTP)DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-958, M/A-COM Linkabit, September 1985
- 92.Network Time Protocol (version 1) — specification and implementationDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-1059, University of Delaware, July 1988
- 93.The FuzzballProc. ACM SIGCOMM 88 Symposium (Palo Alto, CA, August 1988), 115-122
- 94.Measured performance of the Network Time Protocol in the Internet systemACM Computer Communication Review 20, 1 (January 1990), 65-75
- 95.Internet time synchronization: the Network Time ProtocolIEEE Trans. Communications 39, 10 (October 1991), 1482-1493
- 96.On the chronology and metrology of computer network timescales and their application to the Network Time ProtocolACM Computer Communications Review 21, 5 (October 1991), 8-17
- 97.Network synchronization: analysis of a hybrid of masterslave and mutual synchronizationIEEE Trans. Communications COM-28, 8 (August 1980), 1245-1259
- 98.Data Encryption Standard. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1977
- 99.Time and Frequency Dissemination ServicesNBS Special Publication 432, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1979
- 100.Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 81. National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, December 1980
- 101.User Datagram ProtocolDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-768, USC Information Sciences Institute, August 1980
- 102.Daytime protocol. DARPA Network
- 103.Time protocolDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-868, USC Information Sciences Institute, May 1983
- 104.Non Byzantine clock synchronization — a programming experimentACM Operating Systems Review 22, 1 (January 1988), 73-78
- 105.A paradigm for reliable clock synchronizationDepartment of Computer Science Technical Report TR 86-735, Cornell University, February 1986
- 106.Modern Communications CircuitsMcGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1986
- 107.Optimal clock synchronizationJ. ACM 34, 3 (July 1987), 626-645
- 108.Kerberos: an authentication service for open network systemsProc. Winter USENIX Conference (February 1988)
- 109.A specification of the Internet protocol (IP) timestamp optionDARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-781. SRI International, May 1981
- 110.ETempo: a clock synchronization algorithm for hierarchical LANs — implementation and measurementsSystems Research Center Technical Report TR-86-48, University of Maryland, 1986
- 111.Applications of time transfer using NAVSTAR GPSIn: Global Positioning System, Papers Published in Navigation, Vol. II, Institute of Navigation, Washington, DC, 1984
- 112.OMEGA navigation system: present status and plans 1977-1980Navigation 25, 1 (Spring 1978)
- 113.CCITT. Recommendation X.208: "Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)"1988
- 114.CCITT. Recommendation X.209: "Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)"1988
- 115.CCITT. Recommendation X.509: "The Directory - Authentication Framework"1988
- 116.CCITT. Recommendation X.520: "The Directory - Selected Attribute Types"1988
- 117.RSA Laboratories. PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard, Version 1.5November 1993
- 118.RSA Laboratories. PKCS #6: Extended-Certificate Syntax Standard, Version 1.5November 1993
- 119.RFC 1321: The MD5 Message Digest AlgorithmApril 1992
- 120.RFC 1319: The MD2 Message Digest AlgorithmApril 1992
- 121.Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, и Source Code in CPublished by John Wiley'Sons, Inc. 1994
- 122.Prudent engineering practice for cryptographic protocols1994
- 123.“Hellman Presents No Shortcut Solutions To DES”IEEE Spectrum, v. 16, n. 7, July 1979, pp40-41
- 124.“Chosen Ciphertext Attacks against Protocols Based on RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1”Advances in Cryptology— CRYPTO’98, LNCS vol. 1462, pages: 1—12, 1998
- 125.ANSI X3.106, “American National Standard for Information Systems-Data Link Encryption"American National Standards Institute, 1983
- 126.“New Directions in Cryptography”IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, V. IT-22, n. 6, Jun 1977, pp. 74-84
- 127.IST FIPS PUB 186,National Institute of Standards and TechnologyU.S. Department of Commerce, May 18, 1994
- 128.“File Transfer Protocol”, STD-9, RFC-959October 1985
- 129.“Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.0”, RFC-1945May 1996
- 130.“HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,” RFC-2104February 1997
- 131.“On the Design and Security of Block Ciphers”ETH Series in Information Processing, v. 1, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 1992
- 132.“The MD2 Message Digest Algorithm”, RFC-1319April 1992
- 133.“The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm”, RFC-1321April 1992
- 134.RSA Laboratories, “PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard,” version 1.5November 1993
- 135.RSA Laboratories, “PKCS #6: RSA Extended Certificate Syntax Standard,” version 1.5November 1993
- 136.RSA Laboratories, “PKCS #7: RSA Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard,” version 1.5November 1993
- 137.“Internet Public Key Infrastructure: Part I: X.509 Certificate and CRL Profile”, RFC-2459January 1999
- 138.“A Description of the RC2(r) Encryption Algorithm”, RFC 2268January 1998
- 139.A Stream Cipher Encryption AlgorithmWork in Progress
- 140.“A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems”Communications of the ACM, v. 21, n. 2, Feb 1978, pp. 120-126
- 141.Contact RSA Data SecurityInc., Tel: 415-595-8782
- 142.Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in CPublished by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994.
- 143.NIST FIPS PUB 180-1, “Secure Hash Standard”National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, Work in Progress, May 31, 1994
- 144.“The SSL Protocol”Netscape Communications Corp., Feb 9, 1995
- 145.“The SSL 3.0 Protocol”Netscape Communications Corp., Nov 18, 1996
- 146.“Transmission Control Protocol,” STD-7, RFC 793September 1981
- 147.“Telnet Option Specifications”, STD-8, RFC-855May 1993
- 148.CCITT. Recommendation X.509: “The Directory — Authentication Framework”1988
- 149.Sun Microsystems, RFC-1832: XDR: External Data Representation StandardAugust 1995
- 150.Security Architecture for the Internet ProtocolDecember 2005
- 151.IP Authentication HeaderDecember 2005
- 152.IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)December 2005
- 153.Extended Sequence Number (ESN) Addendum to IPsec Domain of Interpretation (DOI) for Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)December 2005
- 154.HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message AuthenticationFebruary 1997
- 155.The Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 within ESP and AHNovember 1998
- 156.The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMPNovember 1998
- 157.Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)November 1998
- 158.Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) ProtocolDecember 2005
- 159.The NULL Encryption Algorithm and Its Use With IPsecNovember 1998
- 160.IP Security Document RoadmapNovember 1998
- 161.The OAKLEY Key Determination ProtocolNovember 1998
- 162.Use of IPsec Transport Mode for Dynamic RoutingSeptember 2004
- 163.Интернет. Протоколы безопасности“Питер”, Санкт-Петербург, 2001
- 164.Firewalls. Практическое применение межсетевых экрановМосква, ДМК, 2001
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- 167.Основы современной криптографииГорячая линия-Телеком, 2002
- 168.Experimental Quantum CryptographyJ. of Cryptography 5, 1992, An excellent description of a protocol for quantum key distribution, along with a description of the first working system.
- 169.Scientific American, July, 1992
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- 173.1997
- 174.Quantum Cryptography Using Any Two Non-Orthogonal StatesPhys. Rev. lett. 68, 3121 (1992)
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- 176.Quantum Cryptography Over 14 km of Installed Optical FiberLos Alamos report LA-UR-95-2836, invited paper to appear in Proceeding of "Seventh Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics", Rochester, NY, June 1995
- 177.Generalized Privacy AmplificationIEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 41, 1915 (1995)
- 178.Теория вероятностей. Основные понятия, предельные теоремы, случайные процессыНаука, Глав. Ред. Физмат литературы, М. 1967, серия "Справочная математическая библиотека"
- 179.Guide to Network Resource ToolsEARN Association, Sept. 15, 1993, V2.0. (ISBN 2- 910286-03-7)
- 180.Internetworking with TCP/IPPrentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, 1988
- 181.Uyless Black, TCP/IP and Related ProtocolsMcGraw-Hill, Inc, New York. 1992
- 182.DDN Protocol Handbook, DDN Network Information CenterSRI International, Ravenswood Avenue, Menlow Park, California, USA, 1985
- 183.Spider Systems, Ltd., Packets and ProtocolsStanwell Street, Edinburgh, UK. EH6 5NG, 1990
- 184.Representation of IP Routing Polices in a Routing RegistryRIPE-181.txt, October 1994
- 185.ITEPNET to Internet communicationITEP III 92
- 186.Neural Network Control of Communications Systems IEEE Transactions on Neural NetworksVol. 5, No. 4, July 1994
- 187.Handbook of LAN Technology. 2-nd EditionMcGraw-Hill, 1992
- 188.Протоколы TCP/IP. Практическое руководствоBHV, Санкт-Петербург, 2003
- 189.Inside TCP/IP, Second EditionNew Riders Publishing, 1995
- 190.Анализатор локальных сетей NetWare (Руководство Novell)Москва, Изд. "ЛОРИ", 1995
- 191.Локальные сети персональных компьютеров. Использование протоколов IPX, SPX, NETBIOSМосква, "Диалог-МИФИ", 1993
- 192.Программирование для INTERNET в среде WindowsСанкт-Петербург, "ПИТЕР", 1996
- 193.ISDN How to get a high-speed connection to the InternetJohn Wiley @ Sons, Inc
- 194.ISDN Explained, Worldwide Network and Applications Technology, 2 editionJohn Wiley'sons
- 195.ISDN. Цифровая сеть с интеграцией служб. Понятия, методы, системыМосква, Радио и связь, 1991
- 196.Модем 96. Выбор, настройка и использованиеМосква, ABF, 1995
- 197.Справочник "Протоколы информационно-вычислительных сетей"Радио и связь, Москва 1990
- 198.nternetworking with TCP/IPPrentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, 1988
- 199.TCP/IP Network AdministrationO'Reilly Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, USA, 1992
- 200.Модемы и факс-модемы. Программирование для MS-DOS и WindowsМосква, "Диалог-МИФИ", 1995
- 201.Протоколы и ресурсы INTERNET. "Радио и связь"Москва, 1996
- 202.Сети Интернет. Архитектура и протоколыСИРИНЪ, 1998
- 203.ATM-технология высокоскоростных сетейЭКО-ТРЕНДЗ, Москва 1998
- 204.Синхронные цифровые сети SDHЭКО-ТРЕНДЗ, Москва 1998
- 205.Интернет. Всемирная компьютерная сеть. Практическое пособие и путеводительМосква, 1995, изд. "Синтез"
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- 207.Все об INTERNETBHV, Киев 1995
- 208.Навигатор INTERNET. Путеводитель для человека с компьютером и модемомМосква, 1995
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- 210.Fast Ethernetbhv, Киев, 1998
- 211.Освой самостоятельно TCP/IPБином, Москва 1997
- 212.Волоконная оптика. Техническое руководствоИзд. "ЛОРИ", Москва, 1998
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- 214.Справочник WEB-мастераBHV, Киев, 1997
- 215.Web Security: a step-by-step reference guideAddison-Wesley, 1997
- 216.Fundamentals of Telecommunication NetworksJohn Wiley'Sons, 1996
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- 220.Протоколы Интернет. ЭнциклопедияМосква, "Горячая линия - Телеком", 2001
- 221.Протоколы Интернет для электронной торговлиМосква, "Горячая линия - Телеком", 2003
- 222.Введение в сетевые технологииМосква, "Лори", 2002
- 223.Интернет. Протоколы безопасностиСанкт-Петербург, Москва, "Питер", 2001
- 224.Основы современной криптографии. 2-е изданиеМосква, "Горячая линия - Телеком", 2002
- 225.Компьютерные сети. 4-е изданиеСанкт-Петербург, Москва, "Питер", 2003