Опубликован: 07.05.2007 | Уровень: специалист | Доступ: свободно
  • 2.
    IBS. E-Government. Современные технологии государственного управления
  • 3.
    Meta Group. Enterprise Architecture Desk Reference
  • 4.
    S. Overby
  • 6.
    P. Helland
  • 7.
    Preparing for the Upswing: The 2004 CIO Agenda
  • 9.
    Driving Enterprise Agility with enterprise IT Architecture
  • 10.
    A. Drobik et al
    The Gartner definition for the Real-Time enterprise
  • 11.
    T. Friedman
    Data Warehouse Infrastructure: Providing Flexibility for Inevitable Change
  • 12.
    Б. Позин
    ИТ-катализатор успешности бизнеса
  • 13.
    E-Government Architecture: Development and Governance
  • 14.
    Strategy of Acceleration: Time to Change Culture and Architecture
  • 15.
    Коллинз Джим
    От хорошего к великому. Почему одни компании совершают прорыв, а другие нет...
  • 16.
    Enterprise Architecture: Fart Too Important to Be Left to the IT Team
  • 17.
    C.K. and Krishnan, M.S, Prahalad
  • 18.
    Microsoft Technology Strategy Consulting. Benefits Driven Approach to Strategy
  • 19.
    M.E, Porter
    Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
  • 20.
    M. Treacy and F. Wiersema
    The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, narrow Your Focus, Dominate Your Market
  • 22.
    Beath, C., J., M, Ross, Subramani
    Synchronizing IT Management Practices for Business Value, Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Briefing, July 2002
  • 23.
    Farell D
    The Real New Economy
  • 24.
    Curtis G., Goyal D and Holtschke B
    Paradox lost
  • 25.
    IT Forecasts: Spending Recovery in Most Vertical –Markets
  • 26.
    Elsa Opitz, Kevin White, Stephen Minton
    Global IT Economic Outlook, 2Q04. Study #31738
  • 27.
    Vertical Markets Gain Momentum in 2004 IT Spending
  • 28.
    Eastern Europe: Country Segmentation
  • 32.
  • 33.
    Broadbent M, Weill P.
    Leveraging the Infrastructure. How Market Leaders Capitilize on Information technologies
  • 35.
    B. Gomolski
  • 36.
    L.A. Sechrest
    CIO Update: Use Creative Cost containment
  • 37.
    Журнал «Финансовый директор» №7, 2003
  • 38.
    Carr, Nicholas G
    IT Doesn’t Matter
  • 39.
    Curtis G., Page S. and Kaltenmark K
    Thinking bigger. Accenture Information Technology Outlook
  • 40.
    Mark D. and Monnoyer E
    Next Generation CIOs. The MvcKinsey Quarterly
  • 41.
    Three Laws of IT Converge to Define the Future of Business
  • 43.
    B. Kirwin et al
    Enterprise Personality Profile: How Did We Get Here?
  • 44.
    D. Morello et al
  • 45.
    GAO. Information Technology. Leadership Remains Key to Agencies making Progress on Enterprise Architecture Efforts
  • 46.
    J, Schekkerman
  • 47.
    Return on Investment Methodology for Evaluating E-Business Infrastructure
  • 48.
    Hype Cycle Shows E-Government Overcoming Disillusionment
  • 49.
    Structure Architecture to Win Business Buy-In/Compliance
  • 50.
  • 51.
    E. Rechtin
    System Architecting: Creating and building complex systems
  • 53.
    см. пункт 1 списка литературы
  • 54.
  • 55.
    The Pillars of Enterprise Architecture Terminology
  • 56.
    What Do IT Architects Do?
  • 57.
    Data Architecture 101
  • 58.
    CIO Council
  • 59.
  • 63.
    Adaptive Enterprise: creating and leading sense-and-respond organizations
  • 64.
    Spewak, Steven H. with Steven C. Hill
    Enterprise Architecture Planning, Developing a Blueprint for Data, Applications and Technology
  • 65.
    см. пункт 3 списка литературы
  • 66.
  • 67.
    Михайловский Н. Э
    Архитектура информационной системы, оценка рисков и совокупная стоимость владения
  • 69.
    CIO Council. Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework. Version 1.1
  • 70.
    см. пункт 59 списка литературы
  • 71.
    см. пункт 55 списка литературы
  • 72.
    E-Government Cooperative Service Architecture
  • 73.
    The Impact of Software Ecosystems on IT Architecture
  • 74.
    Application Architecture Standards/Guidelines: Case Study
  • 76.
    Business Models: The Architecture That Pays for Itself.
  • 77.
    Business Processes: A Compass for Architecture
  • 78.
    см. пункт 33 списка литературы
  • 80.
    Business and IT Planning: A New Marriage
  • 82.
    см. пункт 38 списка литературы
  • 83.
    J. Carbone
    IT Architecture Toolkit
  • 84.
    IT Planning: A New Perspective
  • 85.
    Ross J., Weill P
    Distinctive Style of IT Architecture
  • 86.
    What Is an Architecture Style?
  • 88.
    M, Platt
  • 89.
    Keen P.G
    Shaping the Future: Business Redesign through Information Technology
  • 90.
    Волков Д
  • 92.
    D. Scott, Th. J. Bittman
    Real-Time Infrastructure: Vision and Progress
  • 93.
    D. Scott
    Architecting the Real-Time Infrastructure
  • 94.
    А.А. Мкртумян, А.С. Агапов, Н.Э. Михайловский, С.В. Зенин
    Оценка и аттестация процессов создания и сопровождения программных средств и информационных систем (ISO/IEC TR 15504-CMM)
  • 95.
    Липаев В.В. и др
    Применение международных стандартов в процессе разработки программных средств информационных систем
  • 97.
    Jarvic R, Teale P.
  • 98.
    С. Alexander et al
    A Pattern language
  • 100.
    E. Gamma et al
    Design Patterns – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
  • 101.
    Patterns and Bricks Are an Architect’s Two Best Friends
  • 102.
    Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • 103.
  • 104.
    Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft
  • 105.
    M. and M. Burner, Mullender
  • 106.
    Burbeck, S.
  • 107.
    Introduction to Service-Oriented Architecture
  • 108.
    Черняк Л
  • 110.
    см. пункт 67 списка литературы
  • 111.
    Heffner R
    Standards For Enterprise Architecture
  • 112.
    J.F. Sowa and J. A. Zachman
    Extending and Formalizing the Framework for Information Systems Architecture
  • 113.
    J. Zachman
    A Framework for Information Systems Architecture
  • 114.
  • 116.
    Е.Б. Зиндер
  • 118.
    B. Iyer, R. Gottlieb
  • 119.
    B. Rosser, D. Lombardo
    IT Planning: A New Perspective
  • 120.
    Enterprise Architecture Overview for Financial Services, Gartner, 2004
  • 121.
    Гейтс Б
    Бизнес со скоростью мысли
  • 122.
    M. Cantara
    Evaluating the Art and science of ESP Architecture Services
  • 123.
    см. пункт 3 списка литературы
  • 124.
    META Group. Extending ETA to Services
  • 125.
    META Group. Turing Tao: The Enterprise Technology Model
  • 127.
    NASCIO. Enterprise Architecture Development Tool-Kit v.2.0
  • 128.
    Kruchten P
    Architecture Blueprints – The "4+1" Model of Software Architecture
  • 129.
    см. пункт 107 списка литературы
  • 130.
    Jarvis B
    Enterprise Architecture – Understanding the Bigger Picture
  • 131.
    см. пункт 98 списка литературы
  • 132.
    Application Architecture for .NET: Designing Applications and Services
  • 133.
    Microsoft. Enterprise Solutions Patterns using Microsoft .NET. Version 2.0
  • 135.
    см. пункт 61 списка литературы
  • 138.
    A.Akerman, J. Tyree, L. Coglianese
  • 139.
    Basic Elements of Enterprise Architecture Methodology
  • 140.
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  • 141.
    см. пункт 3 списка литературы
  • 142.
    Leganza G
    Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up: Approaches To Enterprise Architecture
  • 143.
    Enterprise Architecture and IT "City Planning"
  • 144.
    см. пункт 112 списка литературы
  • 145.
    Laartz J., Sonderegger and Vinckier J
    The Paris guide to IT architecture
  • 146.
    см. пункт 6 списка литературы
  • 147.
    G. James
    High-Level Architecture Models Give Enterprise Perspective
  • 149.
    см. пункт 49 списка литературы
  • 150.
    A Collaborative Architecture Development Model
  • 151.
    GAO. Electronic Government. Proposal Addresses Critical Challenges
  • 152.
    Management Update: Set Architectural Spending Levels According to Your needs
  • 153.
    см. пункт 1 списка литературы
  • 154.
    см. пункт 61 списка литературы
  • 155.
    Альтшуллер Г
    Алгоритм изобретения, 2-е изд
  • 156.
    Ильина Т.Н., Логинова А.Ю, Романов Д.А.
    Правда об электронном документообороте
  • 157.
    Миронов А.Н., Михайловский О.М., Слюсаренко А.И. и др
    Динамическое моделирование ИВС Госкомстата России, Отчет по контракту Бюро экономического анализа
  • 158.
    Obtaining management Buy-In for Enterprise Architecture
  • 159.
    Six Building Blocks for creating Real IT Strategies
  • 160.
    G. James
    Enterprise Architecture Without Business Support
  • 164.
    R. Schulte
    Technology architecture: 'Bricks" of Enterprise Architecture
  • 165.
    Malan, Ruth and Bredemeyer Dana
    Less is More with Minimalist Architecture
  • 166.
    J. Schulman
    Defining 'Good Enough' Architecture
  • 167.
    J.Fenn et al
    Strategic Technology Planning: Picking the Winners
Грета Березовская
Грета Березовская
Александр Медов
Александр Медов

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