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Микроэкономика фирмы
: Литература по курсу
Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая Школа Экономики"
Опубликован: 10.08.2007 | Доступ: платный | Студентов: 673 / 1 | Оценка: 4.07 / 3.76 | Длительность: 20:47:00
ISBN: 978-5-9556-0107-6
Тема: Менеджмент
Специальности: Экономист
- 1.Фирма, рынок и правоМ.: Дело, 1993, 192 с
- 2.Экономика, организация и менеджментСПб., 1999, Гл. 5
- 3.От предприятия к фирме: заметки по теории предприятия переходного периодаВопросы экономики, 1994, № 8, С. 23-33
- 4.Изменение форм собственности и структуры промышленных предприятийВопросы экономики, 1997, № 9, С. 23-35
- 5.Государственные предприятия в переходный период: изменение организационно-хозяйственных структурЭКО, 1994, № 3, С. 50-59
- 6.Рынки и рыночная власть: теория организации промышленностиСПб.: Экономическая школа, 2000, Гл. 0.1
- 7.A Behavioural Theory of the FirmPrentice-Hall, New York, 1963
- 8.The costs and benefits of ownershipJournal of Political Economy. 1986, № 94, PP. 691-719
- 9.Firms, contracts and financial structureOxford, 1995
- 10.Property rights and the nature of the firmJournal of Political Economy. 1990, № 98, PP. 1119-58
- 11.Theories of the firmAmerican Econ. Review. 1967, № 57
- 12.Thinking about management: implications of organizational debates for practiceL., 2000
- 13.Экономика, организация и менеджментСПб., 1999, Гл. 2
- 14.Теория организации промышленностиСПб., 1999, Гл. 9-10
- 15.Российский мотив - без прибылиЭКО, 1997, № 11, С. 3-15
- 16.Мотивация и поведение российских предприятийВопросы экономики, 1995, № 6, С. 15-21
- 17.Искусство выживания российских предприятийЭКО, 1994, № 9, С. 2-22
- 18.Российские предприятия в переходной экономике: экономические проблемы и поведениеМ.: Дело, 1995
- 19.Экономика для менеджеровМ.: Юни-ти, 1999, Гл. 4
- 20.A Behavioural Theory of the Firm, Prentice-HallNew York, 1963
- 21.Separation of Ownership and ControlJournal of Law and Economics, 1983, № 26, PP. 301-326
- 22.Economics and business, the theory of the firm revisited: a Scottish perspectiveManagement Decision, 1995, V. 33, № 1
- 23.The Modern Corporation: Origins, Evolution, AttributesJournal of Economic Literature, 1981, № 19, PP. 1537-1568
- 24.Рынки и рыночная власть: теория организации промышленностиСПб.: Экономическая школа, 2000, Гл. 7-9
- 25.Modern Industrial OrganizationAddison-Wesley, 2000, Ch. 8, 11
- 26.Industrial Organization. A Strategic ApproachMc.Grow-Hill, 2000, Ch. 7-9
- 27.Концентрация производства: условия, факторы, политикаБюро экон. анализа. М.: ТЕИС, 2001
- 28.
- 29.Анализ результатов слияний и поглощений зарубежных компаний, причины неудач и способы уменьшения риска сделок«Менеджмент в России и за рубежом», № 1, 2003
- 30.Predatory Pricing and the Acquisition Cost of CompetitorsJournal of Political Economy, 1986, № 94, PP. 266-296
- 31.A Dynamic Oligopoly with Collusion and Price WarsRAND Journal of Economics, 2000, № 31, PP. 207-236
- 32.Learning Curve, Market Dominance, and Predatory PricingEconometrica, 1994, № 62, PP. 115-1140
- 33.Industrial OrganizationAn Analysis of Competitive Markets, Financial Times, 2001, Ch. 3-6
- 34.Managerial EconomicsTheory, Applications, and Cases, N.Y., 1999, Ch. 3-5, 12
- 35.Limit Pricing and Entry Under Incomplete Information: An Equilibrium AnalysisEconometrica, 1982, № 50, PP. 443-460
- 36.New Developments on the Oligopoly FrontJournal of Political Economy, 1958, № 66, PP. 215-32
- 37.A Primer on Foreclosure. Handbook of Industrial Organization, V. 3North Holland, Amsterdam, 2000
- 38.Sunk Costs and Market StructureL., 1995, Ch. 1-2
- 39.Introduction to Microeconomics. 3d edL., 1989. Ch. 19-22
- 40.Employer Learning and Statistical DiscriminationThe Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2001, February, PP. 313-350
- 41.«We Control the Vertical»: Three Theories of the FirmBusiness Review, 2001, № Q3, PP. 13-22
- 42.Technological Activity and Employment in a Panel of UK FirmsJournal of Political Economy, 2001, № 48, PP. 260-282
- 43.Multitask Principal-Agent Analyses: Incentive Contracts, Asset Ownership, and Job DesignJournal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 1991, № 7, PP. 24-52
- 44.Risk Sharing, Sorting and Early ContractingJournal of Political Economy, 2000, № 108, PP. 1058-1082
- 45.Labor Unions and Wages: A SurveyJournal of Economic Literature, 1980, March, PP. 1-31
- 46.The theory of equalizing differences.In The Handbook of Labor Economics, V.IAmsterdam, 1986
- 47.The Economics of ContractsMIT Press, 1997, Ch. 4, 7
- 48.Job Market SignalingQuarterly Journal of Economics, 1973, № 87, PP. 355-374
- 49.Экономика, организация и менеджментСПб., 1999, Гл. 10-13
- 50.Методы организации производства. Японский и американский подходыМ., Экономика, 1984
- 51.Information, Incentives and Bargaining in the Japanese EconomyN.Y., 1988
- 52.Career Concerns of Mutual Fund ManagersQuarterly Journal of Economics, 1999, № 114, PP. 389-432
- 53.Work, Mobility and Participation: a comparative study of American and Japanese industryBerkeley, 1979
- 54.Managing Individual and Group Behavior in OrganizationN.Y., 1993
- 55.Cognitive dissonance and utility maximization: a general frameworkJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1987, № 8, PP. 61-73
- 56.Competitive advantage through people: unleashing the power of the work forceBoston. 1996
- 57.The human equation: building profits by putting people firstBoston, 1998
- 58.Motivation managementGower. Aldershot. 1999
- 59.Power and leadership in organizationsAmerican Psychologist, 1990, V. 45, PP. 179-189
- 60.Modern Industrial OrganizationAddison-Wesley, 2000, Ch. 9-10, 14
- 61.Managerial Economics. Theory, Applications, and CasesN.Y., W.W. Norton et Company, 2002, Ch. 4-6
- 62.Введение в Интернет. Учебное пособие в 9 частях, часть 8: Реклама в Интернет2001
- 63.Рынки и рыночная власть: теория организации промышленностиСПб.: Экономическая школа, 2000, Гл. 2, 3, 7
- 64.Empirically Distinguishing Informative and Prestige Effects of AdvertisingRAND Journal of Economics, 2001, № 32, PP. 316-333
- 65.Information Gatekeepers on the Internet and the Competitiveness of the Homogenious Product MarketAmerican Economic Review, 2001, № 91(3), PP. 454-474
- 66.Marketing Research. Methodological FoundationsHarcout Inc., USA, 2002, Ch. 6-7, 16
- 67.Third Degree Price Discrimination in Oligopoly: All-Out Competition and Strategic CommitmentRAND Journal of Economics, 1998, № 29, PP. 306-323
- 68.Demand Analysis. Handbook of Econometrics, V. III, Edited by Z. Griliches and M.D. IntriligaterElsevier Science Publishers BV, 1986
- 69.Optimal Advertising and Optimal QualityAmerican Economic Review, 1954, № 44, PP. 826-836
- 70.Informative Advertising with Differentiated ProductsReview of Economic Studies, 1984, № 51, PP. 63-81
- 71.Quality Uncertainty and Informative AdvertisingInternational Journal of Industrial Organization, 2000, № 18, PP. 615-640
- 72.A Practitioner's Guide to Estimation of Random Coefficients Logiс Models of DemandJournal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2000, № 9, PP. 513-548
- 73.Modest Advertising Signals StrengthRAND Journal of Economics, 2002, № 33, PP. 340-358
- 74.Экономика, организация и менеджментСПб. 1999. Гл. 14-15
- 75.Managerial Economics in a Global EconomyHarcourt, 2001. Ch. 13-14
- 76.ИнвестицииМ.: Инфра-М, 1997. Гл. 24
- 77.The effect of a firm's investment and financing decisions on the welfare of its security holdersAmerican Economic Review, 1978, № 68, PP. 272-284
- 78.A Mean-variance theory of optimal capital structure and corporate dept capacityJournal of Finance, 1978, № 33, PP. 45-63
- 79.On the theory of optimal investment, dividends and growth in the firmAmerican Economic Review, 1973, № 63, PP. 269-279
- 80.Managerial Economics. Theory, Applications, and CasesN.Y., WW Norton et Company, 2002, Ch. 13-14
- 81.The Cost of Capital, Corporate Finance and the Theory of InvestmentAmerican Economic Review, 1958, № 48, PP. 261-297
- 82.Financial Institutions and ManagementBoston, 2000
- 83.Capital structure equilibrium under market imperfections and incompletemessJournal of Finance, 1984, № 39, PP. 93-103
- 84.Международная экономика. Теория и политикаМ., 1997, Гл. 6
- 85.Modern Industrial OrganizationAddison-Wesley, 2000, Ch. 18
- 86.Как не продешевить на международном рынкеМаркетолог, № 8, 2001
- 87.ИнвестицииМ.: Инфра-М, 1997, Гл. 20-21
- 88.Antitrust goes globalDC. Brookings Institution, 2000
- 89.Multinational Enterprises and Economic AnalysisCambridge, Mass, 1982
- 91.Market structure and foreign tradeOxford, 1985
- 92.Why do the free trade gain numbers differ so muchCanadian Journal of Economics, 1990, № 23, PP. 791-806
- 93.Trade restrictions as facilitating practicesJournal of International Economics, 1989, № 26, PP. 251-270
- 94.Monopolistic competition in International TradeN.Y., 1984
- 95.The Competitive Advantage of NationsN.Y., 1990
- 96.Monopolistic competition with outside goodsBell Journal of Economics, 1979, № 10, PP. 141-156
- 97.Теория организации промышленностиСПб., 1999. Гл. 16-18
- 98.Economics of Regulation and AntitrustThe MIT Press, 2000, Сh. 11-14
- 99.Возможности и пределы рынка как механизма распределения ресурсовВ сборнике THESIS, т. 1, вып. 2, 1994, С. 53-69
- 100.Альтернативные формы экономической организации в условиях естественной монополии. Бюро эконом. анализаМ.: ТЭИС, 2000
- 101.Regulation and the Leverage of Local Market Power in the California Electricity MarketCompetition Policy Center, University of California, Berkeley, CPC00-013, 2000
- 102.Are Vertical Restraints Pro- or Anticompetitive? Lessons From Interstate CircuitJournal of Law and Economics, 2001, XLIV, PP. 131-158
- 103.The Antitrust Revolution, 3rd edNew York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999
- 104.Theory of incentives in procurement and regulationL., 1993
- 105.Uncertain innovation and the persistence of monopolyAmerican Economic Review, 1982, № 73, PP. 741-758
- 106.Regulations and MarketsNorth Holland, 1989
- 107.Fifty Years of U.K. Competition PolicyReview of Industrial Organization 2000, № 16, PP. 267-285
- 108.Competition Law and EconomicsA Comparative Perspective. Hart, 2001
- 109.Present at the Beginning of a New Era for Antitrust: Reflections on 1982-1983Review of Industrial Organization, 2000, № 16, PP. 131-149
- 110.Управленческая экономика и стратегия бизнесаМ., 1999. Гл. 13
- 111.Managerial Economics. Theory, Applications, and CasesN.Y., WW Norton et Company, 2002, Ch. 17
- 112.Основы маркетингаМ., 2000, Гл. 20
- 113.Социальное рыночное хозяйство. Теория и этика экономического порядка в России и ГерманииЭк. школа. СПб., 1999
- 114.The A;P case: a study in applied economic theoryQuarterly Journal of Economics. 1949, May, PP. 229-245
- 115.Free Entry and Social Inefficiency in Radio BroadcastingRAND Journal of Economics, 1999, № 30, PP. 397-420
- 116.Marketing Classics. A selection of influential articlesBoston, 1995, Part 1
- 117.Quacks, Lemons, and Licensing: A Theory of Minimum Quality StandardsJournal of Political Economy, 1979, № 87, PP. 1328-1346
- 118.Enviromental Policy in a Green MarketEnvironmental and Resource Economics, 2002, № 22, PP. 419-447
- 119.Private Information, Strategic Behaviour, and Efficiency in Cournot MarketsRAND Journal of Economics, 2002, № 33(3), PP. 361-376
- 121.Экономическая мысль в ретроспективеМ., 1994
- 122.Экономические институты капитализмаСПб., 1996
- 123.Lecture on The Nature of the Firm. Journal of LawEconomics, and Organization, 1988, № 4, PP. 33-47
- 124.The Nature of the FirmEconomica, 1937, № 4, PP. 386-405
- 125.Property Rights and the Nature of the FirmJournal of Political Economy, 1990, № 98, PP. 1119-1158
- 126.Sunk Costs and Market StructureMIT Press. 1991
- 127.The Firm as a Nexus of TreatiesL., 1990