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Опубликован: 18.11.2015 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 2685 / 0 | Длительность: 22:20:00
Специальности: Преподаватель
Лекция 5:
Overview of ESOL issues
Аннотация: Being a caring teacher, involving students, using realistic language, keeping the students attention, teacher talking time, correction, levels in ESOL teaching, visual aids, use of mother tongue; teaching for exams: Cambridge ESOL, Professional English Examinations, TOEFL etc; the role of grammar, classroom techniques, one to one teaching.
Ключевые слова: end, this, MODULE, ONE, Basic, teaching, CAN, new, class, AND, look, forward, hard, very, ETC, isolation, NOT, question, method, FROM, important, language, learning, secure, able, AS, while, try, prevent, example, OLD, family, RACE, find, accent, MET, off, life, ALL, with, member, lost, front, door, CAR, help, hour, course, planning, grammar, setting, understanding, professional, situation, if, NOR, environment, GET, area, relevant, set, LIKE, FAR, Character, book, health, fitness, entertainment, play, carry, First, assured, assign, confidence, MOST, real, used, speech, natural, part, conversation, comment, ASK, WHERE, problem, EAT, DID, flood, accident, story, Add, chat, NEXT, feedback, ROCK, team, expert, Full, form, right, novice, mistake, sound, robots, regular, pattern, bin, waiting, model, change, aware, special, focus, TAP, trunk, boot, international, long, grammatically, knowledge, correct, level, imperative, send, sleep, activity, even, point, exploit, begin, TIME, launch, explanation, topic, aspect, paragraph, second, guess, incorrect, effort, answer, acknowledge, SEE, RED, pen, choose, read, Chart, IDEA, Write, alternate, correction, abbreviation, error, hat, noise, clear, star, pull, technical, assist, visual, collection, CLIPS, Internet, theory, Intermediate, advanced, cause, offer, extensive, list, true, false, POST, repeat, account, extent, extra, beginner, examination, board, Local, syndicate, approximate, UPPER, certificate, short, practice, innovation, gap, reason, failure rate, administer, testing, system, pass, fail, Entry, CASE, determine, live, job, ITS, requirements, information, personal, attempt, fact, HAVING, meaning, word, drawing, bridge, translation, vocabulary, coverage, translate, EAST, expression, State, back, support, UNIQUE, challenge, content, session, controller, manager, respond, still, artificial, space, create, Active, formulate, style, recording, listening, VIA, go, host, escape
At the end of this module you will:
- have a basic understanding of the principles of good ESOL teaching
- understand the importance of a caring environment in the classroom
- know why lack of consideration of these principles could hinder language production and progress
- understand the need for communicative teaching
- have some idea of the concept of communication versus correctness
One of the basic principles of good ESOL teaching is making sure that our students CAN succeed. In order to do this we should consider the following questions at the beginning of every new group/class.
How do I involve the students?
How do I make students want to learn and look forward to their lessons?
How do I keep them happy?