FreeBSD Operating System: Информация

Автор: Lehey Greg
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FreeBSD is a high-performance operating system derived from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), the version of UNIX developed at the University of California at Berkeley between 1975 and 1993. FreeBSD is not a UNIX clone. Historically and technically, it has greater rights than UNIX System V to be called UNIX.
Legally, it may not be called UNIX, since UNIX is now a registered trade mark of The Open Group. This book is intended to help you get FreeBSD up and running on your system and to familiarize you with it. It can’t do everything, but plenty of UNIX books and online documentation are available, and a large proportion of them are directly applicable to FreeBSD.

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Лекция 1
1 час 36 минут
FreeBSD features; Licensing conditions; Alittle history; Other free UNIX-like operating systems; FreeBSD system documentation; Other documentation on FreeBSD; The FreeBSD community; Mailing lists; The Berkeley daemon.
    Лекция 2
    2 часа 7 минут
    Before you install
    Using old hardware; PC Hardware; How the system detects hardware; Configuring ISA cards; PCMCIA, PC Card and Card Bus; Universal Serial Bus; Disks; Disk data layout; Making the file systems; Disk size limitations; Display hardware; The hardware; Compaq/Digital Alpha machines; The CD-ROM distribution.
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      19 минут
      Quick installation
      Making things easy foryourself FreeBSD on a disk with free space; FreeBSD shared with Microsoft; Configuring XFree86.
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        40 минут
        Shared OS installation
        Separate disks; Sharing adisk; Sharing with Linux or another BSD; Repartitioning with FIPS.
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          1 час 46 минут
          Installing FreeBSD
          Booting from CD-ROM; Installing on the Intel i386 architecture Booting to sysinstall Setting installation options; Partitioning the disk Defining file systems Selecting distributions Selecting the installation medium Performing the installation; Installing on an Alpha system; Upgrading an old version of FreeBSD How to uninstall FreeBSD If things go wrong Alternative installation methods.
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            1 час 6 минут
            Post-installation configuration
            Installing additional software; Adding users; Time zone; Network services; Startup preferences; Configuring the mouse; Configuring X; Rebooting the new system.
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              2 часа 19 минут
              The tools of the trade
              Users and groups; Gaining access; The KDE desktop; The fvwm2 window manager; Changing the X display; Getting a shell; Files and file names; Differences from Microsoft; The Emacs editor; Stopping the system.
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                1 час 51 минута
                Тaking control
                Users and groups; The super user; Processes; Daemons; Stopping processes; Timekeeping; Log files; Multiple processor support; PC Card devices; Emulating other systems; Emulating Linux; Emulating SCO UNIX; Emulating Microsoft Windows;
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                  56 минут
                  The Ports Collection
                  How to install a package; Building a port; Package documentation; Getting binary-only software; Maintaining ports; Upgrading ports; Controlling installed ports; Submitting a new port;
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                    1 час 32 минуты
                    File systems and devices
                    File permissions; Mandatory Access; Control Links; Directory hierarchy; File system types; Mounting file systems; FreeBSD devices ; Virtual terminals;
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                      1 час 22 минуты
                      Adding a hard disk; Using sysinstall; Doing it the hard way; Creating file systems; Moving file systems; Recovering from disk data errors;
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                        1 час 15 минут
                        The Vinum Volume Manager
                        Vinum objects; Creating Vinum drives; Starting Vinum; Configuring Vinum; Vinum configuration database; Installing FreeBSD on Vinum; Recovering from drive failures; Migrating Vinum to a new machine; Things you shouldn't do with Vinum.
                          Лекция 13
                          39 минут
                          Writing CD-Rs
                          Creating an ISO-9660 image; Burning the CD-R; Copying CD-ROMs;
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                            43 минуты
                            Tapes, backups and floppy disks
                            Backing up your data; Using floppy disks under FreeBSD.
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                              1 час 4 минуты
                              Printer configuration; Starting the spooler; Testing the spooler; Troubleshooting; Using the spooler; PostScript; PDF.
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                                1 час 24 минуты
                                Networks and the Internet
                                Network layering; The physical network connection; Ethernet; Wireless LANs; The reference network;
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                                  1 час 26 минут
                                  Configuring the local network
                                  In this chapter: Network configuration with sysinstall. Manual network configuration: Automatic configuration with DHCP; Configuring PC Card networking cards; Setting up wireless networking. Routing; ISP’sroute setup. Looking at the routing tables; Packet forwarding. Configuration summary.
                                    Лекция 18
                                    43 минуты
                                    Connecting to the Internet
                                    The physical connection; Establishing yourself on the Internet; Choosing an Internet Service Provider; Who’s that ISP?; Making the connection.
                                      Лекция 19
                                      1 час 13 минут
                                      Serial communications
                                      Terminology; Asynchronous and synchronous communication; Serial ports; Modems; Modem commands.
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                                        1 час 48 минут
                                        Configuring PPP
                                        Quick setup; How PPP works; The information you need to know; Setting up user PPP; Setting up kernel PPP; Things that can go wrong.
                                          Лекция 21
                                          1 час 43 минуты
                                          The Domain Name Service
                                          Domains and zones; Setting up a name server; Passive DNS usage; Name server on a standalone system; Name server on an end-user network; Reverse lookup; Slave name servers; The next level down: delegating zones; Messages from named; Upgrading a Version 4 configuration; Looking up DNS information; Checking DNS for correctness; DNS security.
                                            Лекция 22
                                            1 час 5 минут
                                            Firewalls, IP aliasing and proxies
                                            Security and firewalls; Proxy servers; Installing squid; Browser proxy; IP aliasing; Configuration.
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                                              1 час 18 минут
                                              Network debugging
                                              How to approach network problems; Link layer problems; Network layer problems; traceroute; tcpdump; Transport and application layers; Ethereal.
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                                                2 часа 44 минуты
                                                Basic network access: clients
                                                The World Wide Web; Web browsers; ssh; Access without a password; ssh tunnels; Configuring ssh; Troubleshooting ssh connections; telnet; Copying files; scp; ftp; sftp; rsync; Using an rsync serve; The Network File System; NFS client; NFS strangenesses.
                                                  Лекция 25
                                                  1 час 46 минут
                                                  Basic network access: servers
                                                  Running servers from inetd; Configuring ftpd; Running sshd; rsyncd; Setting up a web server; NFS server; Samba.
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                                                    1 час 29 минут
                                                    Electronic mail: clients
                                                    Mail formats; Mail user agents; Files, folders or directories?; Creating a new message; Replying to a message; Using folders; Deleting messages; Tagging messages; Configuring mutt; Mail aliases; Mail headers.
                                                      Лекция 27
                                                      1 час 9 минут
                                                      Electronic mail: servers
                                                      How mail gets delivered; Postfix; Rejecting spam; Runnding Postfix at boot time; Downloading mail from your ISP; Mailing lists: majordomo.
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                                                        1 час 27 минут
                                                        XFree86 in depth
                                                        The problem with boards and monitors; X configuration: the theory; XF86Config; Multiple monitors and serves; X in the network.
                                                          Лекция 29
                                                          2 часа 10 минут
                                                          Starting and stopping the system
                                                          Starting the system; Things you can do before booting; What are you going to boot?; Running the kernel; Single-user mode; Shutting down and rebooting the system; FreeBSD without disks.
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                                                            2 часа 32 минуты
                                                            FreeBSD configuration File
                                                            /etc/rc.conf; Files you need to change; Files you might need to change; Files you should not change; Obsolete configuration files.
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                                                              49 минут
                                                              Keeping up to date
                                                              FreeBSD releases and CVS; FreeBSD releases; Getting updates from the Net; Creating the source free.
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                                                                1 час 12 минут
                                                                Updating the system software
                                                                Upgrading kernel and userland; Upgrading the kernel Upgrading the boot files; Upgrading the configuration files Merging /etc/group Mergemaster, second time around.
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                                                                  1 час 49 минут
                                                                  Custom kernels
                                                                  Building a newkernel; Configuring I/O devices; The kernel build directory; The configuration file; Preparing for upgrades; Building and installing the new kernel; Making device nodes; Kernel loadable modules; sysctl; Living with FreeBSD-CURRENT; Analyzing kernel crash dumps.
                                                                    Books on BSD; Users' guides; Administrators' guides; Programmers' guides; Hardware reference; The 4.4BSD manuals Getting FreeBSD on CD-ROM.
                                                                      The evolution of FreeBSD
                                                                      FreeBSD Releases 1 and 2; FreeBSD Release 3; The CAM SCSI driver; Kernel loadable modules; The ELF object format; FreeBSD Version 4; No more block devices; NewATA (IDE) disk driver; Newconsole driver; FreeBSD Release 5.
                                                                        1 час 40 минут