Язык программирования C++ для профессионалов
: Литература по курсу
Опубликован: 10.10.2006 | Доступ: платный | Студентов: 54 / 6 | Оценка: 4.26 / 3.88 | Длительность: 31:30:00
Тема: Программирование
Специальности: Программист, Архитектор программного обеспечения
- 1.Data Structures and AlgoritmsAddison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts. 1983
- 2.SIMULA Common Base LanguageNorwegian Computing Ctnter S-22. Oslo, Norway. 1970
- 3.Hierarhical Program Construction in Structured ProgrammingAcademic Press, New York. 1972. pp. 174-220
- 4.The Annotated C++ Reference ManualAddison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts. 1990
- 5.SMALLTALK-80 - The Language and Its ImplementationAddison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts. 1983
- 6.The Snobol14 Programming LanguagePrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersy, 1970
- 7.The ICON Programming LanguagePrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersy. 1983
- 8.The C Programming LanguagePrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersy. 197108. Second edition 1988
- 9.C++: As Close to C as possible - but no closerThe C++ Report. Vol.1 No.7. July 1989
- 10.Exception Handling for C++ (revised)Proc USENIX C++ Conference, April 1990. Also, Journal of Object Oriented Programming, Vol.3 No.2, July/August 1990. pp.16-33
- 11.CLU Reference ManualMIT/LCS/TR-225
- 12.1984. Secker and WarburgLondon. 1949
- 13.BCPL - The Language and Its CompilerCambridge University Press. 1980
- 14.The Evolution of C - Past and FutureAT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal. Vol.63 No.8 Part 2. October 1984. pp.1685-1700
- 15.Uniform Syntax for Type Expressions and DeclarationsSoftware Practice & Experience, Vol.11. 1981. pp.623-628
- 16.Adding Classes to C: An Exercise in Language EvolutionSoftware Practice & Experience, Vol.13. 1983. pp.139-61
- 17.The C++ Programming LanguageAddison-Wesley. 1986
- 18.Multiple Inheritance for C++Proc. EUUG Spring Conference, May 1987. Also USENIX Computer Systems, Vol.2 No 4, Fall 1989
- 19.A Set of C classes for Co-Routine Style ProgrammingProc. USENIX C++ conference, Santa Fe. November 1987. pp.417-439
- 20.Type-safe Linkage for C++USENIX Computer Systems, Vol.1 No.4 Fall 1988
- 21.Parameterized Type for C++Proc. USENIX C++ Conference, Denver, October 1988. pp.1-18. Also, USENIX Computer Systems, Vol.2 No.1 Winter 1989
- 22.Standardizing C++The C++ Report. Vol.1 No.1. January 1989
- 23.The Evolution of C++: 1985-1989USENIX Computer Systems, Vol.2 No.3. Summer 1989
- 24.Algol 68-R Users GuideHer Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 1974
- 25.UNIX Time-Sharing System: Programmer's Manual. Research Version, Tenth EditionAT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersy, February 1985
- 26.Functional Programming Using MLPrentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersy. 1987
- 27.X3 Secretariat: Standard - The C Language. X3J11/90-013Computer and Business Equipment Manufactures Association, 311 First Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20001, USA