Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: свободно
Лекция 14:
Graphics and design
3.2. Comprehension tasks
3.2.1. Mark the following statements as True or False:
- CAD is used to design and create only 2D virtual models of goods and products. Is it true?
- The benefits of virtual simulations are limited. Is it true?
- New developments in CAD applications and technologies are regularly presented at industry conferences and in peer-reviewed journals. Is it true?
- It is possible today to run most CAD software on typical PCs. Is it true?
- In the future we will be able to create a physical prototype – solving a drawback of virtual product development. Is it true?
3.2.2. Using the information in the article, complete these statements
- The benefits of virtual simulations are obvious because:
- New developments in CAD applications and technologies are regularly presented
- on special Web sites
- at industry conferences such as ICCAD, in peer-reviewed journals such as Computer- Aided Design and Applications
- in periodicals
- In the future we can expect further advances in 3D software packages, allowing