Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: свободно
Лекция 12:
Word Processing
4. Discussion
Handwriting vs typing
Are there any benefits left to handwriting?
People frequently use both. Firstly, you should know when to use what.And secondly, there's a large number of factors that go into the choice, including:
- how fast you can type, and how IT-literate you are
- how messy your handwriting, and how tiring
- how good an editor you are, and, in general, where your various writing strengths lie
- the sort of work you're doing -- fiction or non-fiction; prose or poetry; blogging or mag-azines; outlining or drafting
- the style and genre you're writing in
- what you grew up on and are comfortable with