Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: свободно
Лекция 10:

Computer addiction

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3.2. Match the following statements as True or False:

  1. The term computer addiction is well-defined. Is it true?
  2. The majority of computer users become addicted to a computer as a physical object. Is it true?
  3. Continued computer abuse can be identified as a danger sign for computer addiction. Is it true?
  4. If you spend all day staring at a computer screen, you may be at risk for immune system depression. Is it true?
  5. Obesity can result from unrestrained staying on the computer. Is it true?
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Елнара Мырзабай
Елнара Мырзабай
Nigora Shomirova
Nigora Shomirova

Это почему так получается я её 1 недели изучала это издевательство что-ли?

Евгений Рогонков
Евгений Рогонков
Россия, Гремячево, Гремячевская СОШ, 2008