Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 11187 / 3056 | Длительность: 48:33:00
Специальности: Программист
Лекция 24:

Web design

< Лекция 23 || Лекция 24: 12345 || Лекция 25 >

3.2. Comprehension tasks

Using the information in the article, complete these statements

  1. According to the text, the first thing a web designer should take into account is
    • a visual presentation of the sight
    • the number of links on the sight
    • users' preferences
    • amusing information
  2. The feature of the sight a user is unlikely to appreciate is as follows:
    • credibility of information
    • sophisticated navigation
    • a lot of images
    • a number of fixed parts
  3. Web designers are recommended to avoid
    • presenting visual elements on the sight
    • sharing personal information
    • making users register
    • hard thinking to get from point A to point B
  4. A user-friendly design means
    • high-quality content
    • a number of links to advertisements
    • unambiguous navigation
    • necessity to register
  5. While creating a good web site, designers should not neglect
    • conventional features
    • registration and subscription
    • sophistication
    • mark-up language
< Лекция 23 || Лекция 24: 12345 || Лекция 25 >
Nigora Shomirova
Nigora Shomirova

Это почему так получается я её 1 недели изучала это издевательство что-ли?

Сауле Бельгинова
Сауле Бельгинова