Это почему так получается я её 1 недели изучала это издевательство что-ли? |
Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 11238 / 3082 | Длительность: 48:33:00
Специальности: Программист
Лекция 22:
How e-mail works
3.2. Match the following statements as True or False:
- The introduction of the @ sign allowed e-mail to appear. Is it true?
- An E-mail client is a person you write to. Is it true?
- Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora or Pegasus seem to be preferred by the Internet users. Is it true?
- Depending on which type of client is used, it does four different things. Is it true?
- There are quite a few applications acting as servers. Is it true?
- The e-mail server acts as an intermediary in the e-mail sending process. Is it true?
- The server adds some extra data to the message. Is it true?
- Attachments sent via the e-mail should be texts. Is it true?
- Attachments are recommended not to include in the main body. Is it true?
- E-mail messages are sent in huge numbers. Is it true?