Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 11229 / 3076 | Длительность: 48:33:00
Специальности: Программист
Лекция 1:

Living in a digital age

Лекция 1: 123456 || Лекция 2 >

3.2.2. Match the following statements as True or False:

  1. The reason to relieve the burden of paperwork and turn it electronic was to reduce clutter it creates and speed up the flow of information. Is it true?
  2. The clients and staff are unwilling to catch up the opportunities paperless office provides. Is it true?
  3. Digitizing information will inevitably entail the extinction of printed materials. Is it true?
  4. Families who want to use child care services have lots of paper to fill out. Is it true?
  5. The clients and staff are unwilling to catch up the opportunities paperless office provides. Is it true?
  6. The reason for an office to go paperless is to eliminate the unnecessary paper use since the majority of clients and office workers are good with technology. Is it true?
  7. Digitizing information will inevitably entail the extinction of printed materials. Is it true?
  8. New generations of office workers are used to having online notes and syllabuses. Is it true?
  9. Nowadays information can be shared easily even through the ocean. Is it true?
  10. The only disadvantage about the digital information is the difficulty to work with it. Is it true?
  11. One of the motivations for an office to go paperless is to protect the environment. Is it true?
  12. Older generation feels more comfortable with the printed materials. Is it true?
  13. Information on paper is more protected and there is little possibility to lose it. Is it true?
  14. Paperless office allows you to spend less time looking for papers lost in the shuffle. Is it true?
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Nigora Shomirova
Nigora Shomirova

Это почему так получается я её 1 недели изучала это издевательство что-ли?

Сауле Бельгинова
Сауле Бельгинова