Опубликован: 06.05.2016 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 3441 / 931 | Длительность: 07:09:00
Лекция 2:

Present Indefinite / Simple Tense

< Лекция 1 || Лекция 2: 12 || Лекция 3 >


Кратко основные случаи употребления Present indefinite / Simple можно "свести" в таблицу:

Рис. 2.14.


Вопрос 1. Как образуется утвердительное предложение в Present Simple?

Вопрос 3. Как образуется отрицательное предложение в Present Simple?

Вопрос 4. Какое окончание присоединяется к глаголу в 3-м лице единственного числа?

Вопрос 5. Какие ключевые слова в предложении указывают на то, что глагол стоит в Present Simple?


Упражнение 2.1. Дополните предложения, используя следующие слова: cause(s), connect(s), drink(s), live(s), open(s), take(s).

  1. Tanya speaks German very well.
  2. I don’t often _____ coffee.
  3. The swimming pool _____ at 7.30 every morning.
  4. Bad driving _____ many accidents.
  5. My parents _____ in a very small flat.
  6. The Olympic Games _____ place every four years.
  7. The Panama Canal _____ the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Упражнение 2.2. Дополните предложения.

  1. Steve is ill. He’s in bed.
  2. I’m not hungry, but _____ thirsty.
  3. Mr. Thomas is a very old man. _____ 98.
  4. These chairs aren’t beautiful, but _____ comfortable.
  5. The weather is nice today. _____ warm and sunny.
  6. ‘_____ late.’ ‘No, I’m not. I’m early.’
  7. Catherine isn’t at home. _____ at work.
  8. ‘_____ your coat.’ ‘Oh, thank you very much.’

Упражнение 2.3. Постройте вопросительные предложения по образцу.


She is nineteen. – Is she nineteen?

They are at home. – Are they at home?

  1. The evening is wonderful.
  2. This dress is expensive.
  3. They are hungry.
  4. I am late.
  5. You are married.
  6. He is your brother.
  7. You are still angry with me.
  8. The girl is tired.
  9. It is windy today.
  10. These boys are twins.

Упражнение 2.4. Постройте отрицательные предложения по образцу.


Sam is a student. – Sam isn’t a student.

They are students. – They aren’t students.

  1. Jane is clever.
  2. The boys are naughty.
  3. This problem is important.
  4. We are interested it this project.
  5. This fact is new.
  6. You are mistaken.
  7. This cup is dirty.
  8. These methods are modern.
  9. This writer is very popular now.
  10. You are ill.

Упражнение 2.5. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

  1. Julie doesn’t drink (not / drink) tea very often.
  2. What time _____ (the banks / close) here?
  3. I’ve got a computer, but I _____ (not / use) it much.
  4. ‘Where _____ (Martin / come) from?’ ‘He’s Scottish.’
  5. ‘What ___ (you / do)?’ ‘I’m an electrician.’
  6. It _____ (take) me an hour to get to work. How long _____ (it / take) you?
  7. Look at this sentence. What ___ (this word / mean)?
  8. David isn’t very fit. He _____ (not / do) any sport.
< Лекция 1 || Лекция 2: 12 || Лекция 3 >
Асмик Гаряка
Асмик Гаряка

В тесте 1 100% правильные ответы не засчитываются. Cut send speak - это точно НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ глаголы. Проверьте также вопрос 3.

Зухра Халиулина
Зухра Халиулина

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и не смогу дальше учиться?
